Tag: Borscht

Forthcoming Attractions

SCC at Brockley

Comrades, the season is drawing to a close. We have a match versus the NFTS on the 17th September, some Lord’s academy training and then an AGM and drinks before the winter closes down around us and all we can do is sharpen our sickles and drink Borscht from our workers boots. Sorry workers. You will get them back in the morning.

This season will close with a bang though as we shall be planning for the next. So some news to spread amongst yourselves and pass down the howling corridors of the Cricket Bureau:

  • VCC were considering a final game with us for the year on Sunday, September 25th. Can we find a team, can we find a venue? Comrade Andropoff of Sewellski, what about that new pavilion and pitch you found?
  • Lord’s cricket academy now confirmed for the end of October. Full details to follow but we have space for 18 members and will have three nets. One is for practice and loitering, one has a bowling machine and instructor and one has an instructor for your batting! This will be a great fun event and will sharpen off the year nicely. Price to fixed this week but if you didn’t pay your subs, you will be paying more.
  • AGM date to be confirmed soon. This will again be at the Union club and will involve drinks and a full agenda. If you have something you wish discussed then please get thinking now.
  • Fixtures: Next years list of hopefuls will be brought out soon. Please advise if you have a hopeful fixture, BUT please make sure you have details and contacts.

Comrades, watch these spaces and hang on your inbox!
